Thursday, February 20, 2014

Confessions of an Idiot

Don't mind the title, I'm sick (again) and in a very random mood.

I suppose I could've--probably should've titled it "Blogging About Nothing", but "Confessions of an Idiot" sounds much more fun, so that's what it is.

And now, since I have a burning desire to post about random things in superficial numerical order, here I go.

1.This is awesome:

So, the Tampa Bay Rays are offering this as a promotion this summer. Manager Joe Maddon in Potato Head form. I was never a big Potato Head fan as a kid, but I've decided that I need this. My desire to play with a Potato Head has never been stronger. *sigh* So. Freaking. Epic.

2. This Guy:
Yes, I'm a huge fan of the Evil Dead series (and Bruce Campbell in general) and Army of Darkness has to have some of the greatest quotes in the history of everything. It's one of my favorite movies ever.


BEHOLD! Awesomeness. This was the ONE Marvel film that's worried me a ton since The Avengers hit a couple years ago, mainly because of Rocket and Groot, but after seeing this, I'll continue to be in awe of Marvel Studios. This looks like it's gonna' be a blast!

4. Helix

This show is like crack. It's very hard for me to be completely immersed in a T.V. show. My last addiction was Breaking Bad and before that, 24. This is how I currently spend my Friday nights. I like to think of it as Resident Evil without the zombies. If you aren't or haven't been watching, start.

5. "Hooked on a Feeling"

I blame Guardians of the Galaxy and my Twitter pals for my (awful) obsession with this song.

And... That's all I can come up with for now. I'll likely be back later with more geekery and stories. :)

Til next time!

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