OK, so this page probably should've been the first page I did, but I didn't so screw it. Oh well.
Anyway I'm Natalie, I have had moderate Cerebral Palsy since I was about one-year old, along with a whole host of other shitty issues, including the fact that I've had really crapped out, arthritic knees since I was about 17. Well, technically, it's just one knee---my right one which is, of course my strong knee. Go figure.
This blog doesn't really have a specific "Mission Statement" so to speak, it's just a place for me to be a little more open than on "traditional" social media and talk about the crazy (or not so) crazy happenings of my life and living with my CP and how it effects the way I get around in the world.
I intended for this to be a "no Holds Barred" experience, so there will be (excessive) profanity and I'll try my damndest to be as realistic and honest as possible in my writings. They will be humorous, sarcastic, dark and funny. Some will make you laugh, some will make you cry, but everything will be real and uncensored.
I'll talk about just about anything, but I'd really REALLY like to stay away from religion and politics, unless it relates to my post. I want this to be a fun enjoyable experience for both myself and my readers. At some point I plan to create another blog dedicated to Politics/Current Affairs and Religion/Faith. Other than that, I'm just looking to have a good time :)
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