Friday, August 16, 2013

Childhood Nostalgia/Geekdom #1- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So, I was cleaning out the bookcase this weekend and happened to stumble across this little gem:

This was one of my favorite books as a kid; though not because I understood the message. It was definitely *all* for the Turtles ha ha. But I was paging through it and had to laugh because of one simple fact: It was teaching kids to be "green" before green was "in"! So, this book was waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of its time; and despite not being a "hardcore" environmental activist, (though I *do* care a great deal about our environment, I'm just not outspoken about it) I find that kind of awesome.

A few more peeks inside:

As you can probably guess, I was (and still am, actually!) a huge fan of TMNT. I watched the '87 show religiously, bought all the little action figures, played a the video games, collected little stuffed Raph, Mikey, Leo and Donny turtles from my local state fair etc. God, it seems like I went to the toy store every week to get either A) A Power Ranger or B) A Turtle. Hell, I even had a TMNT birthday cake when I was about 6-7 years old :). Oh, and how could I forget that I went as Raph for Halloween one year !

So, yeah, I'm a certified geek and yes, if you're curious, I *loved/am LOVING* both the 2003 and 2012 incarnations, but I especially love the 2012 series. It's so awesome! Not to mention the cast is fan-fucking-tastic!

Just thought I'd give you a little glimpse of just one of my geekdoms :).

Til next time!

(A little added bonus of my collection. Note: It's hard to tell from pics, but Raph is my favorite Turtle :).)

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