Friday, August 16, 2013

Random Acts of Kindness

I went to Starbucks earlier this evening; and because it's the weekend, I splurged and got myself a venti Double Chocolate Chip Frappuccino and a soft pretzel. After I had decided what I wanted I moved on to the counter to pay.

I fumbled with my wallet for a few seconds, but before I could even get it open, the barista informed me:

"Oh, a woman left $10 at the counter for the next customer to buy something, so yours will be paid for with the money she left."


So thank you, Mystery Lady, the frap was delicious.

Childhood Nostalgia/Geekdom #1- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

So, I was cleaning out the bookcase this weekend and happened to stumble across this little gem:

This was one of my favorite books as a kid; though not because I understood the message. It was definitely *all* for the Turtles ha ha. But I was paging through it and had to laugh because of one simple fact: It was teaching kids to be "green" before green was "in"! So, this book was waaaaaaaaaaaaay ahead of its time; and despite not being a "hardcore" environmental activist, (though I *do* care a great deal about our environment, I'm just not outspoken about it) I find that kind of awesome.

A few more peeks inside:

As you can probably guess, I was (and still am, actually!) a huge fan of TMNT. I watched the '87 show religiously, bought all the little action figures, played a the video games, collected little stuffed Raph, Mikey, Leo and Donny turtles from my local state fair etc. God, it seems like I went to the toy store every week to get either A) A Power Ranger or B) A Turtle. Hell, I even had a TMNT birthday cake when I was about 6-7 years old :). Oh, and how could I forget that I went as Raph for Halloween one year !

So, yeah, I'm a certified geek and yes, if you're curious, I *loved/am LOVING* both the 2003 and 2012 incarnations, but I especially love the 2012 series. It's so awesome! Not to mention the cast is fan-fucking-tastic!

Just thought I'd give you a little glimpse of just one of my geekdoms :).

Til next time!

(A little added bonus of my collection. Note: It's hard to tell from pics, but Raph is my favorite Turtle :).)

Meet the Cat

Yep, that little cutie right there is what's been keeping me sane during my recovery :). Her name is Sundae, better known as "Kitty" or "Fatness" because of how she looks when she's stretching out .She's an American Shorthair and possibly the cutest,weirdest, funniest sweetheart I've come to know; and she's helped me get through the toughest days of my recovery by putting a smile on my face every day. I swear she's part dog, however. She'll do all the typical things a little puppy or young dog would do.  Chases her tail, *sprints* to the door whenever she hears the doorbell, paws at my door, wanting to come in at bizarre hours, likes the water (Though she acts like she hates it; but I know better--she loves it.) Lastly, if you have water or food she likes, she'll plop herself in front of you, staring, much like a dog who waits for you to drop table scraps for him hahaha. Oh, and she's a big time protector too and is not afraid to show other animals that this is *her* house :)