Friday, April 12, 2013

Good News, Everyone!

Good morning, world! It's April 12th and a bright and beautiful 35 outside! (Strong sarcasm should be noted) AND---even more exciting, I get to be the bearer of good news!

So, many of you are aware that I've had really sucky knees for about 10 years. Well, my right one has recently become extraordinarily sucky and as a result, my doctor has decided that the only way I'll be virtually pain-free is by having a knee replacement...Yeah, not exactly a pleasant thought for a 26-year-old, but oh well, it's not like I'm not used to it. This will be surgery #8 for me, so I'm a pro at this stuff.

Anyway, I had another appointment yesterday to find out weather I live or die! No, it was really to find out what would happen to my knee. Either I'd get to keep it (Partial replacement) or I'd lose it forever (Total replacement) Well, turns out I'll get to keep my knee! Huzzah!! Which is pretty sweet, because it means a shorter recovery time too. (Don't worry, I'll still milk the "I had surgery, therefore you're all forced to be my slaves!" act for all it's worth. MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I'm totally fine, I swear...) Because I want to get it done as soon as humanly possible, the surgery date is May 29th, so I'll probably get to see Iron Man 3 3-4 times before I go under ;) Hey, I warned you that superheros were one of my unhealthy obsessions...

So, I guess I should start planning a list of my demands. Let's see: A makeshift bed, the PS3, movies, toast, waffles---Oh wait, that wasn't meant for your eyes, I'm just thinking out loud here :)

On a less happier note: Boo Minnesota and boo Minnesota sports. Everyone seems to have forgotten what the word "Win" means.

Why boo Minnesota? Because of this:

Yeah, snow. It's frickin' April! For the love of God, spring was supposed to be here LAST MONTH! Why is Mother Nature such a bitch sometimes? *mooooooan*.

That's all I've got for now. I'll give updates as soon as I can and once the surgery is performed and I'm home, pictures will happen. :)

Catch ya' later!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sports gods, I Apologize!

Minnesota really sucks.

Yesterday was a pretty big day in sports. The baseball season officially kicked off for the Twins---in freezing 35 degree weather. How Vance Worley went without sleeves under his uniform blows my mind. It wasn't a great way to start the season as "The Boys" lost 4-2. I'd like to make every excuse in the world, including the fact that they squared off against Justin Verlander, but that really doesn't cut it. They had chances---a ton of 'em. Why they couldn't get them to payoff, I don't know.

On top of that, the Wild played and got absolutely crushed. Now I'm not as angry about that loss as I am about the Twins because they've had an absolutely ridiculous schedule over the past 10 days. Six games, a lot of them back to back, so I forgave them for it. Still, it made me very sad.

All this losing plus the freezing temperatures got me asking one simple question:

Why do the sports gods seem to hate us? Why, why, WHY?

Lets see: The only two teams I remotely care about during the spring months---The Wild and Twins lost in pretty bad fashion, plus it was 35-fricking-degrees----at a baseball game IN APRIL and there's till snow on the ground...Uh, note to Mother Nature: SPRING WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN ON MARCH 20th, get with it lady.

As for the sports gods: What have us Minnesotans done to deserve the cruel fate of losing Every. Damn. Year. In. Every. Single. Sport. Now some losing streaks I can understand *cough* Gopher basketball *cough* and the Wolves, but the rest of them? No way! I guess I'll just get on my knees and apologize profusely. So, sports gods, I apologize, I really do! Now let us win, PLEASE!

All right, more later. Perhaps a second post sometime today or updates to my tabs, but for now, I'm off to crawl in a hole and cry over the weather.